GH Experience

Groundwater Hydrology Experience

Soil Gas Survey, Well Installation & Contaminant Modeling
Private Client

Performed soil gas survey, well installation and contaminant modeling to characterize VOC plume in groundwater. Tasks included well installation, definition of VOC distribution in groundwater and coordination of large scale household water sampling program to evaluate impact to existing well users from VOC contaminants.

Groundwater Characterization Evaluation
Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board

Performed groundwater characterization evaluation to determine the relationship between surface water and groundwater at a 20-acre gravel pit. Work included assessing environmental impact from historical site operations and evaluating the flow system and source of springs and wetlands.

Groundwater Remediation
Private Client

Managing a groundwater remediation project to remove petroleum hydrocarbons from soil and water. An in-situ bioremediation process is being used to remediate soils, the large smear zone resulting from seasonal water table fluctuations, and groundwater contaminated primarily with benzene.

Groundwater Remediation Program
Private Client

Provided groundwater consulting services to industrial facility to remediate DCE-contaminated groundwater. Performed operation and maintenance of pump and treat air stripper system, groundwater sampling and evaluated remediation alternatives such as bioremediation, air sparging and in-situ passive alternatives to facilitate existing remediation efforts.

Groundwater Contaminant Characterization & Modeling
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection

Work included installation and sampling of monitoring well network, aquifer characterization, and contaminant source identification. A numerical model using MT3D and MODFLOW of organic fate and transport, risk assessment and remediation design was developed. Potential key issues included possible contamination of water supply wells, impact to area businesses and residents, and review of aquifer remediation alternatives.

Characterization of Water Resource Potential
Sierra Pacific Power Company

Responsible for characterization of the water resource potential of the Thousand Springs basin in northeastern Nevada. Ultimate water demand for the proposed project was 32,000 acre-feet/year. Included in the work were exploratory borings, deep well installation, long-term aquifer tests, computer modeling, and hydraulic flow analysis to evaluate the environmental impact of the proposed withdrawals and for design of the large capacity well field.

Groundwater Investigation & Design of Mine Pit Dewatering and Recharge System
Private Client

Designed and implemented an extensive groundwater investigation to characterize the hydrology and design of a mine pit dewatering and recharge system. The work included geologic characterization, test well installation, aquifer testing, water sampling, and groundwater flow modeling using MODFLOW finite difference model. Key issues were impacts from geothermal water, and complicated flow dynamics. The model was used to locate wells, design the optimum pumping system, and evaluate recharge options.

EIS Hydrogeologic Work Plan
Private Client

Prepared an EIS Hydrogeologic Work Plan that contains a description of the proposed EIS modeling effort and a methodology for analyzing pumping tests conducted in fractured rock. The modeling effort considered the effects of the mine pumping, the resulting pit lakes, a drainage audit, and surrounding streams and springs. Implemented the Work Plan and constructed the groundwater model.

Remediation Effectiveness & Monitoring Well Sampling
Lahontan Regional Water Quality Board

Performed site visit with LRWQCB personnel to evaluate remediation effectiveness and sample monitoring wells. Site has highly acid mine drainage that is impacting nearby surface water streams and groundwater. Work performed has included groundwater characterization, effluent containment and wetland construction to remove metals from discharge water.

TPCA Hydrogeologic Assessment & RCRA Part B Permit
Pacific Gas & Electric

Managed and prepared the TPCA Hydrogeologic Assessment and RCRA Part B Permit for the Moss Landing power plant. Responsibilities included evaluation of permit requirements, proposal and implementation of hydrogeologic characterization work, and report preparation.

Soil & Groundwater Investigations
Private Client

Performed numerous soils and groundwater investigations to evaluate hydrocarbon contamination resulting from leaking underground tanks. Services performed included design of investigations, soil sampling, well installation, groundwater plume definition, contaminant migration potential assessment, and remediation design and implementation. Included in the investigation were assessments of potential health risks, evaluation of exposure potentials, and environmental impact characterization.

Phase II Soil & Groundwater Investigation
Private Client

Performed a soils and groundwater Phase II site investigation at a motel. Hydrocarbon contamination leaked from an underground storage tank and impacted soils. Groundwater plume was present from adjacent UST leaks. Work was performed to meet non-detect remediation requirements of the Lake Tahoe basin.