ERM Experience

Environmental Resource Management Experience

Surface & Groundwater Technical Expertise
Churchill County, NV

Provided technical expertise to Churchill County on surface water and groundwater issues related to the USFW program to divert water from irrigated lands in Lahontan Valley to Stillwater Wildlife Refuge. Acted as expert witness, reviewer for EIS, and technical consultant for the County.

Water Resource Evaluation & Recharge Assessment
Private Client

Performed evaluation of water resources of Little Boulder Valley to assess potential for recharging large volumes of water to underlying aquifers. Work included performance of infiltration tests, well log review, groundwater characterization and recharge system design.

Field Examination of Mining Areas
Environmental Protection Agency

Participated in EPA field examination of mining areas that potentially contribute(ed) mercury to the Carson River and Lake Lahontan. Also participated in examination of Carson River for potential areas of methylation.

Fate of Pesticides
Private Client

Conducted computer modeling (PRIZM) of fate of pesticides in the unsaturated and soil-root zones for a private chemical manufacturer.

Jurisdictional Wetlands, Permit Preparation, Wetland Mitigation Design & Monitoring Protocols
Private Client

Used Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands (1989) to delineate wetlands on a 425-acre area in western Nevada. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers field-verified the wetland delineation. The Department of Army permit application (Section 404, Clean Water Act) has been submitted, and an individual permit issued. Scope of work included wetland mitigation design and wetland mitigation monitoring protocols.

Jurisdictional Delineation
Lander County, NV

Conducted a jurisdictional delineation at the Reese River to determine whether wetlands would be impacted by the bridge replacement project.

Wetlands Delineation
Private Client

Supervised the waters of the United States delineation and delineation report preparation.

Compliance with Regulations (existing landfill)
Private Client

Managed and designed interdisciplinary study to assist client in complying with Subchapter 15 regulations for permitting an existing landfill. Study included groundwater characterization, seismic hazard analysis, geotechnical evaluation of landfill structures, and hydrologic analysis.

Closure Plans (California Integrated Waste Management Board)
Lassen County, CA

Project manager for preparation of closure plans to meet California Integrated Waste Management Board requirements. Prepared a closure plan guidance document for this small rural landfill in the arid eastern Sierra Nevada.

Site Characterization, Feasibility Study & Remedial Action Plan
Private Client

Site characterization, feasibility study and remedial action plan for a three square mile rocket manufacturing site. Analyzed hydrogeologic system and recommended VES for VOCs and augmented bio-remediation for TPHD sites. Designed hydraulics for augmented bioremediation system employed.

Work Plan for Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study
Private Client

Prepared a work plan for the RI/FS that emphasized a risk-based approach and utilized the streamlining attributes of the EPA SACM (Superfund Accelerated Cleanup Model) to reduce the level of effort necessary to complete the work. Through negotiation, EPA accepted the approach and work plan, including permitting the client to conduct the risk assessment. Chemicals of potential concern at this site included halogenated and non-halogenated VOCs, TPH and potentially associated PAHs, and chromium.

Work Plan for Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study
Private Client

Prepared an RI/FS work plan and managed all aspects of the project for a large bus facility. Recommended bioremediation for petroleum compounds in soil and obtained all required permits.

Work Plan for Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study
Private Client

Managed investigation and prepared the feasibility study for halogenated hydrocarbon occurrence in fractured bedrock and alluvium near West Lake, California.

Water Supply Location
Private Client

Prospected and located a water supply to be used in the closure of a landfill located in the mountains adjacent to Bakersfield. Drilled and designed a deep well (1,000 feet) that produced a sustained yield of 750 gallons per minute from fractured siltstone.